Investing begins with an ODD Report.
Assessing operational risk is essential to outsourcing.
Obtaining an independent assurance report on the operational risk of any hedge fund or private equity fund is a valuable industry standard.
Outsourcing Benefits
Companies outsource for 3 reasons: expertise, independence, and a variable cost model.
Rely on a well-developed and proven ODD methodology. PRISM has built a comprehensive and tested ODD methodology over decades.
PRISM’s ODD process has hundreds of steps, and is separated into dozens of operational areas, enabling PRISM to focus on the details.
PRISM acts as an outsourced ODD arm to numerous institutional investors. PRISM provides one-off engagements as well as longer term advisory relationships.
Manager Mandated ODD
PRISM provides funds with the option of undergoing one independent due diligence assessment that can be used by all of the fund’s investors.
Independence is what makes a difference to investors. PRISM is an independent standalone ODD consultant with no conflicts of interest.